The Pearl at Fairview

Assisted Living Community

The Pearl At Fairview Logo - Williamson County Tennessee's Newest Assisted Living Facility

Our Community

We are like a Country Club Assisted Living Community

The Pearl at Fairview is a Country Club
Assisted Living and Memory Care Community offering a warm and welcoming environment located in Williamson Country Tennessee

Nurse Assisting Senior Woman

Assisted Living

When you need a little support in your daily life; like reminders to take medications, help dressing, food preparation, housekeeping, or laundry. Assisted Living provides these services.

Caregiver in nursing home

Care Levels

We offer additional care levels, when residents need more support or help with personal tasks. Help eating, getting in or out of bed, toileting, or others. Services required effect charges.

Female Senior Patient Taking Medicine with Home Caregiver Assisting Her at Home.

Memory Care

Dementia can make daily life a challenge for families. Our memory care unit offers a compassionate care environment for residents on this life path.

Elderly woman living in nursing home

Short Term Stays

We offer short term stays for guests recovering from medical issue and for care giver a breaks.

Space is limited.
Minimum Stay is 3 months.

Senior Couple Being Served With Meal By Carer In Dining Room Of Retirement Home

Food Services

Food and the dining experience is a daily focus. We offer a restaurant style menu with choices for all appetites and diet needs. Three meals a day, seven days a week and a daily bistro happy hour.

Portrait of senior woman in a hair salon


Housekeeping and laundry services are included for all residents.
Our full service on-site salon, transportation services for doctors appointments and errands, a private dining room and more

Multiracial senior friends playing bingo while having coffee and cookies at dining table


Daily activities include art classes, games, cards, movie parties, happy hour at the bistro, library events, live music, knitting groups, birthday parties, themed meals, holiday celebrations and...

International group of senior people having painting activity

Montessori Method

Activities build on the resident’s life experiences and offer joyful engagement activities to feel fun and involving, to preserve many cognitive and motor abilities, and help maintain independence.